Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Wedding cake - back course for menu
Monday, June 21, 2010
Wedding report Anna and Alexander (16.05.2009)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Brautkleid Pronovias - Vondru
Pedros Landhaus - Location Hochzeit
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Marry Tahiti and honeymoon Tahiti (honeymoon)
You wedding exhibition Vienna 22-24.01.010 - Trau
Friday, June 18, 2010
Brautkleider Annais Bridal
Brautkleider bei counter in Wien
Thursday, June 17, 2010
As a partner for life find - single market?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Save the date cards from wood
If still no details of your wedding starts with understanding, but already set the appointment you can send save the date cards. Purpose of cards is that all guests can early (at the latest six months before the wedding) on the date know and take even time. Save the date cards are especially important, if you get married in the summer months because many guests then plan your holiday.
There are exceptional save the date cards in the card factory Jiraaf: all cards are hand printed by owner Elke pulse - every card is unique. She used rather untypisches material for the manufacture, such as wood sheets with screen printing are printed and placed then printed vellum with the text.It is possible to print your own design on the wood sheets.
Elke created pulse for each order a custom quote, prices for wood cards with vellum start from 2.60 euros per card.
More information:
Card factory Jiraaf
Elke pulse
Siegfried road 19
14532 Stahnsdorf
Tel: 03329 / 697 683
Mail: elke.puls@jiraaf.com
Internet: www.jiraaf.com
For the important date:.Available in different subjects that price: € 2.60 per card.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Promi-Hochzeiten 2010
On these weddings we can forward (hopefully) this year:
Crown Princess Victoria of
Sweden and Daniel Westling
Originally uploaded
from Frederikams
Traumberuf Hochzeitsplaner
Many menu underestimate the numerous, often nerve preparations in advance of their wedding. How extensively, which can be then actually is only really aware some one if he's right in the Middle! Instead of relaxed on the common event to rejoice, the planning and implementation means stress often.
A wedding planner can help here. Menu for example, ideas for these professionals give a personal touch to their landline. Everything can be individually planned down to the smallest detail and prepared.The profession of wedding Scheduler is in the US and UK for many years of course - and in Germany it is more and more important.
In bad Dürkheim edge of the Palatinate forest has started 2008 Germany's first training center for professional wedding planner/corner training to the wedding planner. Marion Keller, owner of the wedding agency hand in hand and initiator of the training center was one of the first full-time wedding planerinnen in Germany.It has 12 years experience and is a founding member in the Association of German wedding planner.In their training center for wedding planner behind them their entire expertise and authentic understanding an own wedding agency business formation the learner.
For more information see:
Marion Keller accompanied wedding Agency
Tel. 06237 / 4030313
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Hochzeitsmessen, Februar 2010
The table can be sorted by events, trade fairs or venues.
If we have forgotten an appointment, we appreciate a short message to info(ad)perfectday-online.de
TERMINWWW AdresseVERANSTALTUNGSORT13. 02 + 14.02.2010HOCHZEIT 201006116 Halle (Saale), HALLE fair GmbH13. 02 + 14.02.2010HochzeitsWelt10243 Berlin, postal stationat the Ostbahnhof13. 02.+ 14.02.20107. Unterhachinger Hochzeitsmesse82008 Unterhaching, holiday Inn14 02. 201017. Geraer Hochzeitsmesse07545 Gera, culture + Congress Zentrum14. 02 2010 Verliebt - engaged - Verheiratet16766 Kremmen, barn area 14.02.2010Hochzeitsmesse "dare!"21682 Stade, STADEUM cultural and Tagungszentrum14. 02. 201011.Walsroder Hochzeitsmesse29664 Walsrode, Stadthalle Walsrode14. 02 2010Hochzeitsmesse Barsinghausen30890 Barsinghausen OT Göxe, at Mueller20. 02 + 21.02.2010Muldentaler Hochzeitsmesse04827 makers, Castle Machern20 02 + 21.02.2010Hochzeit, baby & Kind14482 Potsdam, Metropolis Halle20. 02 + 21.02.201015.Festival Hochzeit24103 Kiel, Kiel Schloss20. 02 + 21.02.2010Mosbacher Hochzeitsspektakel74821 Mosbach, old Maelzerei20. 02 + 21.02.2010
Wedding fair Plauen - festivals & Feiern08529 Plauen, Festhalle Plauen21. 02 2010
Wedding fair 201003238 Finsterwalde, restaurant ALT Nauendorf21. 02 2010
Wedding Luedenscheid58511 Lüdenscheid, auto Pavilion Piepenstock21. 02 2010 Homburger Hochzeitsmesse66424 Homburg, Saalbau 21.02.2010Hochzeitswelt97209 Veitshöchheim, Mainfrankensaele21. 02 2010Hochzeitsinfotag80333 Munich Hotel Bayerischer Hof27. 02.+ 28.02.20105.Rügener Hochzeitsgala18528 Ralswiek, Schlosshotel Ralswiek27. 02.+ 28.02.2010Honeymoon84359 Simbach Inn, Lokschuppen28. 02 2010Hochzeitsmesse08056 Zwickau Brauhaus28. 02 2010Hochzeitsausstellung Weil am Rhein79576 Weil am Rhein, Tanzschule Cyranek28. 02 2010Bad Salzunger wedding fair 201036433 bad Salzungen, Werner soul ties Halle28. 02. 20102.Grimmaer Hochzeitsmesse04668 Grimma, Rathaussaal28. 02 2010Hochzeitswelt96047 Bamberg, concerts, and Kongresshalle28. 02 2010Hochzeitsmesse63877 Sailauf / Aschaffenburg, electoral Schlosshotel Weyberhöfe
Vera Wang: Kollektion Frühjahr 2010
Brautkleider by Vera Wang are the epitome of luxury! It understands to sew it simply look at first, but that made accurate review with much sophistication and attention to detail like no other clothes.
Even new bride modes by 2010 is collection back beautifully and extravagant.And because the color black dominated in their Frühjahres collection, also a black wedding dress don't miss - what is rather peculiar room.
Is a pity - apart from the budget, you need to plan for a dream of wedding dress - hardly sold Vera Wang in Europe. But if you drive demnnächst in Switzerland, make a stopover in Zurich but because there the boutique Zoro Sposa (Pelican space 15, 8001 Zurich, www.zoro.ch) results in their collections.There are more bridal fashion shops in Italy, France, Greece and Spain.A loction Finder, visit the homepage of Vera Wang.
And here you can look first in the current look book 2010 - dreams and inspire!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Wedding dress purchase times differently
"Running of the Brides" is a regional tradition of extra class!
The event in which hundreds of Bräuten at the same time pounce on offered Brautkleider, occurs Filene's basement in Boston since 1947 in business.The shop buys the year Brautkleider of producers, bridal fashion shops and boutiques, reduces prices then for "Running of the Brides" dramatically.
3-2-1.... Meins!Up to 2,500 Brautkleider are sold on a day to an extremely favourable bargain price. There are designer dresses, which have cost originally up to 6,500 € 500 € then the bargain prices between 180 €-.
These prices require commitment, however, a lot of buyers. The brides, their friends and mothers are to since 6 am, to storm the shop early and to usurp as the poor see so many Brautkleider itself. Small hooks: the clothes are sorted by size, a good eye for the Zupacken is so needed.
20.The next Grosskampftag will take place August 2010.But if you now think: "nothing how everything ….", look at first the video.And if you then want decide for the relaxed atmosphere with cappuccino and leather sofa in your small bridal fashion retailer, your groom will certainly understand.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Wedding favors that weddings are perfect for summer
Beach themed weddings are very popular in the summertime. The couple may be having the ceremony and reception on the beach or they may simply be incorporating a beach theme into an indoor wedding. In both cases, however, the couple will likely opt to give the guests some type of favor related to the beach. Magnets shaped like sandals are a very popular option for weddings this time of year or for wedding featuring a beach theme.
Another great idea for a favor for a summertime wedding is a candle designed to reflect the season. Candles in the shape of seashells or even votive candles in holders designed to look like sand pails are both great ideas. There are even candles in the shape of dolphins and whales available. These may be more expensive but depending on your budget for wedding favors might be a viable option.
Items such as artificial leis or other flowers can also be appropriate as wedding favors for a summer wedding. If you are planning to have flowers as your centerpieces on the tables you may wish to give each of your guests a single flower like the ones used in your centerpieces as a favor. This is a great idea because when you do this your favors will also serve to enhance the décor at your reception by closely matching the centerpieces. Giving a fresh flower as a favor is appropriate but you might also opt to give an artificial flower. This is because artificial flowers can be kept by your guests as a memento of your wedding while fresh flowers will likely wilt shortly after the wedding. Some of your guests may dry or press the fresh flowers to create a memento but the majority of them will simply discard the flower once it wilts.
Picture frames are also very popular as wedding favors for summertime weddings. This is because picture frames come in so many different styles that the couple is likely to find a picture frame which has a definite summer feel to it. There are picture frames which feature beach scenes, picture frames which are adorned with seashells and a wide variety of other whimsical picture frames which convey the meaning of summertime. Picture frames can not only be found in a wide variety of styles but are also very practical gifts. Many wedding guests enjoy receiving picture frames as wedding favors because they now have a place to store a photo of the new couple. Still other wedding guests enjoy receiving picture frames as wedding favors simply because they always have use for another picture frame and can use this frame to store pictures of friends or family members.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Wedding favors cheaper then $ 1? Really?
Place card holders are one type of wedding favor which is typically available for less than $1 per place card holder. There are certainly some place card holders which will cost much more than $1 per unit but you are likely to also find many which are priced under $1. Place card holders make great wedding favors because they not only serve a purpose at the wedding but they can also be used as small picture frames by the guests after the wedding.
Tins containing mints are another option for wedding favors which are often priced at under $1 per unit. These tins come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes but the tins which are priced at less than $1 are likely to be quite small. However, there are also a wide variety of designs available. You can purchase ones which feature a tuxedo design or a wedding dress. You can also find tins with wedding bells or flowers on the top.
Another way to find wedding favors for less than $1 per favor is to inquire with the wedding favor distributor about clearance or closeout items. These are often items which have been discontinued or which the distributor is not planning to stock anymore. Many distributors are willing to offer these favors at discounted prices because they do not have many left and are trying to free up space in their warehouse. If these items have been discontinued or the distributor is not willing to order more you may be limited to the number of favors the distributor has in stock. If this quantity is enough to meet your needs, you are certainly in luck but if you need more than is available, it might be a good idea to search for other inexpensive wedding favors unless you know for sure there is another distributor who can sell you additional quantities of the same favor.
Wedding favors for children? (Yes) (They exist)
Deciding to include children in your wedding or reception is a very personal decision. Some people feel very strongly that children are too disruptive at weddings while others love the idea of sharing their wedding day with children and welcome children to attend the wedding ceremony and reception. While deciding whether or not to invite children is a matter of personal opinion; if you do decide to invite children they should absolutely receive some sort of wedding favor. Some couples opt to give the children the same favor as the adults while other couples prefer to give the children a different favor which is more appropriate for their age. This article will provide some idea for giving wedding favors to children.
The first thing to consider when giving wedding favors for children is the age of the children involved and the type of favor which will be given to the adults. This is important because sometimes the favor you are planning to give to the adults would be greatly appreciated by children of all ages while other times the children would likely prefer to receive a more age appropriate wedding favor. For example if you are planning to give the adults an edible wedding favor such as candy or cookies most children would likely be happy to receive this type of favor. However, if you are planning to give the adults a favor such as wine charms you might want to select another favor for the children in attendance.
One great wedding favor idea for children is an activity packaged designed specifically for use as a wedding favor. These packages have items such as games, markers and other activities so children can use the favor at the wedding. This is an especially good idea for children who are too young to enjoy the music and dancing at the reception and who may become bored easily. This type of wedding favor will not only help to keep the children entertained during the wedding but will also be a nice gift for them to take home after the wedding.
Stuffed animals are another option for a wedding favor for children. You can purchase stuffed animals with a wedding related theme such as a bride and groom teddy bear which would be appropriate for a wedding favor. Another option is to seek out stuffed animals which match the theme of the wedding. For example you may give the children a teddy bear dressed for the beach at a beach themed wedding or a stuffed penguin dressed like Santa Claus for a Christmas wedding. Another option is to give each of the children a gift certificate to one of the popular stores where children can make their own stuffed animals. These stores allow children to select their own teddy bear and watch it be stuffed before their eyes. They can even select outfit for the bears or have sound chips inserted.
Still another option for giving wedding favors to children is to just give the children a small toy which is appropriate for their ages. These toys can be purchased at any store selling children’s toys rather than at distributors of wedding favors. If you know the children personally you can select toys which suit their interests. However, if you only know the age of the children who will be in attendance you can simply seek out toys which are appropriate for boys and girls of that age.
Finally, couples who are unsure of what type of wedding favor to give to children can always resort to an edible wedding favor. Even if the adults will not be given an edible favor, the couple may decide to give the children edible favors. Edible favors can range to photo cookies with a picture of the bride and the groom to candy bars with the couples name and the date of the wedding. The children in attendance are much more likely to be impressed with a wedding favor of cookies or candy than they will with the more sophisticated wedding favors the couple selects for the adults in attendance.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Wedding favors, are amazing for romantic weddings
Wedding can be planned in a variety of different themes. Weddings can have themes based on the seasons, on a holiday, on the beach, on science fiction, on a period of history or any other theme imaginable. However, the underlying theme of any wedding should always be love and romance. Even weddings which may not have a particular theme will likely convey the message of love and romance. This article will provide ideas for wedding favors which will help you to give your guests a reminder of your wedding which will help to invoke the feeling of love and romance. Whether you are planning a particularly romantic wedding or a wedding based on another theme you might want to consider giving favors which are related to romance.
Anything invoking a feeling of love will be an appropriate wedding favor for a romantic wedding. One great example is a silver picture frame with the word love inscribed into the silver. This is a very simple favor but it is also one which accurately conveys the message of love. Your guests may choose to put a picture of you and your partner in the frame to serve as a definite reminder of you and your wedding or they can use the picture frame in any way the wish. However, they decide to use the frame, it will likely always remind them of your wedding. Each time they see the frame displayed in their home, they will fondly remember how much fun they had at your wedding.
Coasters can also be given as favors for a romantic wedding. This may not seem like a particularly romantic gift because it is more of a practical item but you can find ways to make this simple gift more romantic in nature. For example coasters can be purchased in a heart shape or in a design which reflects the theme of love and romance. A coaster displaying a picture of a bride and a groom is one way to do this. The coasters can also simply have the word love written on them or can be decorated with heart shapes to make them seem more romantic. There are even heart shaped coasters available which are designed specifically for wine glasses. These coasters are much smaller than average coasters and can create a very attractive appearance.
Books can also be an excellent idea for wedding favors for a romantic wedding. Again, this may sound as though it will not be particularly romantic because books are typically viewed as being very practical items. However, your choice of book can greatly influence whether or not it is appropriate for a favor at a romantic wedding. A book such as a book of love poems or quotations related to love would be very appropriate to give as favors at a romantic wedding. With a little creativity you may also find other books which are appropriate. For example if you and your partner are particularly fond of a certain classical romance novel you might consider giving each of your guests a copy of this book.
A CD filled with love songs is another great favor idea for a romantic wedding. You can download some of the love songs you and your partner enjoy or songs which you plan to feature at the wedding and put these songs on a CD for each of your guests. You may even want to decorate the CD cover with a portrait of the two of your or with another image which will invoke the message of love and romance. This is not only a romantic gift but it is also a gift which can be very inexpensive. Many savvy brides and grooms may even be able to create these CDs on their own with their home computer. However, even if they do not have the time or the resources to do this, it should be rather inexpensive for the couple to find someone to do this for them.
Practical wedding of favors for your friends and family
Coasters are one idea for wedding favors which can be romantic or suit the theme of your wedding but can also be very practical. You can purchase coasters in a variety of shapes including hearts to provide for your guests as wedding favors. Heart shaped coasters will be ideal because they are romantic and convey the sentiment of love but they are also something your guests can really use. Another option for using coasters as wedding favors is to give out coasters which match the theme of the wedding. For example you can purchase coasters with pictures of sand or the beach to go with a beach themed wedding. You can also give out coasters with room for the guest to insert a picture. You can include a picture of the bride and the groom in one of the coasters and leave the rest of the coasters in the set blank so your guests can use their own photos if they wish.
Key chains are another example of wedding favors which can be both romantic and practical. Hearth shaped key chains or key chains in the shape of wedding bells or other items related to love or wedding are a good idea for favors. You can select an elegant key chain which is sturdy so your guests will want to use but that is also very romantic and will remind your guests of your wedding for years to come.
Another very practical wedding favor idea is a gift of candles. Whether you choose to give tea light candles, taper candles or candles of another style it is very likely that your guests will be able to use these favors. Most people already have at least a few candles in their house but they can always use a few more. Candles are very versatile. They can be used to set a romantic mood but can also serve other purposes as well. For example in the event of power outages, candles can be used to provide lighting. With so many uses for candles it is no surprise that if you give your wedding guests candles as a favor, they are likely to use the candles in the future as opposed to setting them aside and forgetting about them which might happen with other less practical favors.
Wine charms in a shape such as hearts or another romantic theme are also very practical favor ideas for a wedding. Wine charms by themselves are somewhat romantic but when they are designed in shapes such as hearts, wedding bells or other romantic shapes they are very appropriate for a wedding. They are also a very practical favor idea because many people will not have this type of item but can really use a set of wine charms. Wine charms are simply small charms which can be placed on the wine glass to distinguish one glass from another. This is useful in a party situation where guests may be mingling and may set there glass down for a minute or two while chatting and then become confused about which glass is theirs. Charms which distinguish the glasses help to eliminate this problem.
Friday, April 16, 2010
The "art" of last minute wedding favors
The first thing to remember when shopping for last minute wedding favors is that you will likely have to face the fact that personalized wedding favors will not likely be possible. This includes favors which include the names of the bride and groom as well as the wedding date such as candy bars with customized wrappers or candle holders with a personal message. Purchasing these types of wedding favors often involve a lead time of at least a couple of weeks. This means you will have to order the items a few weeks before you need them. If you are last minute shopping for your wedding favors you will not likely have this much time available. While there are many wedding favor distributors who will be willing to rush the order for you, they will also likely charge you very high fees for this service. The cost of rushing the wedding favor may more than double the price of the favor
If you are seeking last minute wedding favors, one great idea is candy. Giving candy as wedding favors can be incredibly quick and easy. You can purchase gift bags from stores which sell wedding supplies and fill these bags with some of your favorite candies. You can purchase the candy in bulk and divide it up into the smaller bags. Candies such as miniature chocolate bars, hard candies or other individually wrapped candies are all appropriate for this use.
Flowers are another great last minute wedding favor idea. If you are already planning to have floral centerpieces, your florist may be able to supply one additional flower for each guest in attendance. This is a very simple gift but it is also extremely appropriate as a wedding favor. Flowers are often used as symbols of love so giving a favor of a flower is an excellent idea for a wedding. It will also likely closely match the centerpieces so the wedding favors will actually help to contribute to the décor at the wedding reception as well as serving as a favor for the guests.
Finally, if you are in need of a last minute wedding favor you can have keys made for each of your guest. You can use a ribbon to attach a note to each key informing your guests that you wish they will keep in touch through the years and that your home will always be open to them. The key you give them does not have to be an actual copy of the key to your house but can rather serve as a symbolic gesture that you will always be available if they need you.
Wedding favors, the you can eat!
There is one type of wedding favor which is almost always appreciated by the guests at the wedding. This is an edible wedding favor. Whether you opt for sweet or savory items you and your guests are likely to enjoy your edible wedding favors. The downside to giving an edible wedding favor is it is likely to be consumed shortly after your wedding instead of being saved for years to come as a memento of your wedding. However, you can rest assured that your guests will greatly enjoy the gift. This article will provide a few ideas for edible favors you can give to your guests on your wedding day.
One of the most popular edible wedding favors is a simple chocolate bar with a personalized wrapper. These chocolate bars can be simple milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate are can be filled with items such as almonds or raisins. There are even more options available for the wrapper of the candy bar. This is very important because this is the first thing your guests will notice about your favor. Most brides and grooms opt to have their names and the date of the wedding printed on the wrapper and select a wrapper design which relates to love, weddings or the specific theme of the wedding. However, some brides and grooms may even decide to have their pictures on the wrapper along with their names and the wedding date.
Tins filled with candy are another option for brides and grooms who want to give out edible wedding favors. These tins can be filled with any type of candy you wish. They can be filled with mints, hard candies, candy coated almonds, chocolates or any other favorite candy. There is also typically the option of personalizing the tin by including the wedding date and the name of the bride and the groom. The guests may eat the candy soon after the wedding but they can keep the candy as a reminder of your wedding and use it to store other small items such as change, sewing needles, rubber bands or virtually anything which is small enough to be stored in the tins.
Candy is a very popular choice when a bride and groom are considering giving edible wedding favors. One unique way to give out candy as wedding favors is to use large glass bowls as the centerpieces for the tables and fill the bowls with the bride and grooms’ favorite types of candy. You can give each of your guests a small container which matches the theme of the wedding such as a sand pail for a beach themed wedding or anything else which is appropriate. The guests can fill the containers with some of the candy from the centerpiece at the end of the evening.
Cookies are other options for brides and grooms who want to give out edible party favors. There are a number of different options in this case. You can select cookies which are rather plain in nature but place them in keepsake boxes with the bride and grooms’ names as well as the date of the wedding. They can also give out personalized fortune cookies with each fortune depicting a quotation which is related to love. Another way to use cookies as wedding favors is to give out cookies displaying a photo of the couple. There are many bakeries that can make these cookies for you in a variety of sizes and shapes. You simply need to select a design and give the bakery a photo to use in the design process.
Cocoas, teas and coffees are still another option for couples who want to give out edible wedding favors. You can select specialty cocoas, teas or coffees or you can have the packaging customized to include your picture, an appropriate quotation, poem or other message related to loves and weddings. Putting the couple’s names as well as the wedding date on the package is a good idea as well as including a picture of the couple.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Want to marry singles - women at the beach, men on the Office
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Do you have different wedding of favors for each table? Do-Es! (for themselves...)
One of the most obvious advantages to offering unique favors at each table is it prevents the couple from having to select just one wedding favor. There is a wide variety of wedding favors available and many couples have a great deal of trouble selecting just one favor. This may be because they are not agreeing on which favor would be the most appropriate or because they each have several different favors which they really like and are having difficulty narrowing down their options. For either of these cases, the idea of giving different wedding favors at each table is a great idea.
Another advantage to giving unique wedding favors for each table is that the couple can branch out and either choose several different themes or one overall theme which they vary slightly from table to table. This can make the process of shopping for wedding favors a lot more fun for couples who enjoy doing this. However, couples who feel stressed out by the process of selecting wedding favors would be wise to simply stick to one wedding favor because the process of selecting several different favors can make the planning exponentially more stressful.
One of the major disadvantages of offering unique favors at each table is the couple will not likely be eligible for bulk order discounts. Many wedding favor manufacturers are often willing to offer discounts to couple who are ordering a large number of the same favor to distribute to all of their guests. However, couples who are ordering different favors for each table will likely not qualify for these discounts. Most weddings have approximately 8-12 people at each table. This means the couple will not be ordering many of each favor and will most likely have to pay full price for each one.
Another disadvantage to providing unique wedding favors for each table is it can make setting the tables more complicated. If each table will also have a unique centerpiece and the wedding favors are designed to match the centerpiece, special care must be taken to ensure the correct favors are placed at the correct table. This may be obvious if the favors are unwrapped but if they are wrapped it can be incredibly difficult. Someone familiar with the favors and how they were wrapped should oversee the process of setting the tables to ensure the correct favors are placed at each table.
Another disadvantage to giving unique wedding favors to each table is it may create discontent among the guests. For example some guests may feel as though the favors given to one table are nicer than the ones given to the table at which they are seated. This is not a major concern as most guests will not make these types of comparisons but if the couple is concerned about this possibility they may wish to keep the wedding favors the same for each table.
Individual products for your wedding decoration
Most beautiful day in the life everything will be just perfect from the wedding dress on the location table decoration. It is because of one even on the smallest detail. Because finally they are loving details that make the marriages simply much nicer. For precisely this beautiful things, there are Decorize - a Web store for individual decorations, gifts, and crafting sets.
From classics like wedding bubbles and wedding almond in Tulle on Gastgeschenk packaging and cards sets up everything to must-haves of season as plate tattoos and just married passport covers, menu, Trauzeugen and guests find many ideas and stylish products.
The highlight 2010: Individual printable loop tapes which are versatile - for the invitation cards to the packaging of Gastgeschenken or integrated into the table decoration. The high-quality satin loop tape is printed personal words the highlight for people who attach great importance to the small details. The band is to make available in a wide range of inks - fonts and symbols and logos individually in many colors and widths.This spacing of Aufdrucks are freely selectable so that the tape is produced exactly suitable for his efforts.As the only manufacturer in Germany provides Decorize even from a minimum order quantity of 25 meters and has the perfect package for private use.
More information:
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Internet: www.decorize.de
Are you looking for invitation cards?
Are you exceptional looking after a form for your invitation cards? Then Royal day from Munich has can be thought something special, because the company is specialized in Oriental invitation cards, Kings and Knights Recalling the long forgotten times from the middle ages.
Scrolls are the latest trend for the wedding year 2010. It consists of 3 parts: one box, a scroll and the envelope all fine decorated with gold edges and a high-quality cord. The cards are made with a lot of work and love. Small and important details are attached by man-made. Production uses primarily handgefertigtes paper and silk. The scroll is a form of 9 x 21 cm and is available in different colors and layout.Prices per scroll start from € 2.55.
Via the Internet shop of Royal day you can order the scrolls and with individual text print upon request. This is applied depending on the card, high-quality Siebdruck-, or offset process.Font colors such as gold and silver can be printed.Preparing the download image sees this as a free service.
Menu from Munich and surroundings can visit offices of the company to the Oriental jewellery by prior appointment in the.
More information:
Royal day
52 / 1 Treasury certificate.Stock
81829 Munich
Phone + 49 89 127 66 333
Mail: info@royalday.de
Internet: www.royalday.de
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Wedding favors, who are you to love for winter wedding steps
Couples who are getting married around Christmastime may be planning to incorporate Christmas into the theme of the wedding. If this is the case they will have a great deal of options available to them in terms of wedding favors. One very popular idea is to give each guest an ornament with the names of the bride and the groom and the wedding date. This is an excellent idea for the wedding favor because it is not only something the guests can use but it is also a personalized wedding favor which will help to ensure the favor will be associated with the wedding and will help the guests to remember the wedding fondly.
Tiny, artificial Christmas trees are another great idea for a festive wedding favor idea. These tiny trees can be adorned with wedding bell ornaments or kept plain to allow the guests to decide how to display the favor themselves. Alternatively the couple may wish to give each of the guests a few packets of seeds for Christmas trees. This will allow each of the guests to plan their own trees if they desire to do so.
Snow globes are another example of a favor which would be very appropriate for a winter wedding. The snow globes can feature a bride and a groom amidst the snow or can simply be a winter scene which the couple finds appealing such as ice skaters or a mountain scene. This type of wedding favor is likely to be appreciated by your guests because it is not a very common wedding favor so most of your guests will not likely already have a large collection of similar items.
Another idea for a wedding favor for a wedding during the winter season is a miniature sled with the name of the bride and the groom and the date of the wedding painted on the sled. This is a rather cute decoration which can be displayed as a knick knack or used as an ornament on a Christmas tree.
Even items such as coasters can be used as wedding favors for a winter wedding. Coasters come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and designs. You can find coasters shaped like snowflakes or featuring winter scenes. By selecting these winter themed design a very practical wedding favor instantly becomes one which is also very appropriate for the theme or the season of the wedding.
Hot chocolate, coffees and teas are also great wedding favor ideas for winter weddings. These edible favor ideas are great for the winter season because they are all warm drinks. You can even find wedding favor distributors who will personalize the packaging of these favors for you so that you can make these wedding favors even more festive and appropriate for distribution as a wedding favor.
Wedding favors which your guests to love are steps
Edible wedding favors are one type of favor which the majority of your guests will love. There are a lot of options available for couples who wish to give their guests some type of edible favor. Candy is one of the most popular options available. Many couples like to give their guests a candy bar with a personalize wrapper which includes the names of the bride and the groom as well as the wedding date. Other candies such as mints or hard candies are also very popular. These candies can often be distributed in personalized containers such as tins or glass containers. Cookies are another type of edible wedding favor which is very popular. The cookies can include a photo of the couple or may be a fortune cookie with a quote from a love song or phone inside.
Miniature wedding cakes are another type of edible wedding favor your guests will appreciate. These are not as popular as other types of wedding favors because they can be rather expensive but if they fit within your budget, your guests are sure to be delighted by these favors. These wedding favors can be distributed in small boxes so your guests can take them home easily.
Picture frames are another example of wedding favors that many guests love to receive. Guests like to receive this type of favor because it is a very practical gift. They can use the frame to hold a picture of the couple or for any other purpose they wish. Giving picture frames is also a great idea because they come in such a wide variety that finding a suitable one should be easy. Picture frames can be purchased to reflect the theme of the wedding or can be romantic in nature to reflect the underlying theme of love which prevails at all weddings. Alternately picture frames selected as favors can be rather plain in nature. This helps to ensure the pictures frames will be used by the guests because it makes it more likely that they will work well with the décor in the guests’ homes.
Another example of wedding favors guests love is basically anything which they can use and which will help them to remember the wedding fondly. One way to accomplish this is to provide wedding favors which are not only practical but also closely relate to the theme of the wedding. Wedding favors which incorporate the theme of the wedding are much more likely to trigger the guests to remember the details from the wedding each time they see or use the favor.
A Wedding You're Never Going to Forget
Magical moments in the candlelight: 100 guests, 100 burning candles in your Ballroom - an image guaranteed never forget you and your guests. If want to give a personal touch to your wedding, this Tischkarte is a very special catcher.
Together with the candles matching labels ship that can print with your wedding Monogram or your wedding font?These candles meet at the same time three functions: they can be used at the same time as individual Tischkarte, atmospheric table decoration and Gastgeschenk.
- You get together with delivery candles (premium package) a CD with 128 Word templates in different colors and layout.
-You can easily customize template for tents or Gastgeschenke to make your with Microsoft Word.
-The right round labels are also included and can be printed with each standard laser or inkjet printer.
-With the candles and the personalisieraren labels make your personal tents or Gastgeschenke in no time.
Price for 24 candles including 48 label: from 39 Euro
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